St. Anthony’s library is a library of catholic books available in the sacristy of St. John Vianney’s church in Irasburg.
Click here for a full-page view of the current list of available books. We recommend you press “ctrl” and “F” to search the list of books for any desired author or title.
Click here for a larger view of this list.
You are free to email or U.S. postal mail for requests for any book you see available on this list. You may request to borrow a book, or to have a book permanently. Donations for our postage costs or general donations are greatly appreciated. Please make checks to “St. John Vianney Church” and send to the parish mailing address, either with your book request, or when you return an books on loan.
Most Holy Trinity Parish
85 St. Paul Ln.
Barton, Vermont 05822
85 Creek Rd
Irasburg, Vermont 05845
Click here for mailing address.